Age-friendly and Disability-friendly OCPs

Age-friendly and Disability-friendly OCPs

Age-friendly and disability-friendly OCPs can make it easier for seniors and people with disabilities and health and activity limitations (including mobility, visual, hearing and cognitive impairments and mental health challenges) to move around their communities and participate in all aspects of community life – economic, social, recreational and cultural – through improved planning, design, and service provision. The…

Active Travel for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet: A Toolkit for Health Professionals.

Active Travel for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet: A Toolkit for Health Professionals.

CAPE (Canadian Association for Physicians for the Environment) has released a new toolkit to help health professionals become advocates of active transportation and transit with their patients and in their communities. The toolkit is designed with five stand-alone modules so people can focus on the ones of most interest to them. The toolkit also includes…

Active Coastal Communities

Active Coastal Communities

Small coastal communities have different barriers to physical activity infrastructure than other communities. The Active Coastal Communities document, developed by BC Healthy Communities, the BC Alliance for Healthy Living, and the Province of B.C, shares success stories from coastal communities who have completed projects to improve access to physical activity opportunities.

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada

Provides information on numerous topics related to Aboriginal Peoples including social programs, employment, and arts and culture. First Nation Community Profiles containing census information and administrative statistics are available, as are a variety of publications.– Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada

A Typology of Public Engagement Mechanisms

A Typology of Public Engagement Mechanisms

Are you finding all the information available on public participation a little bit disorienting? This journal article is an analytical tool that can be used when sorting through various public engagement methods. It develops a typology of public engagement mechanisms. It clarifies what public engagement entails and does not entail and how the various mechanisms…