PlanH webinar video: New tools to build social connection in multi-unit housing

PlanH webinar video: New tools to build social connection in multi-unit housing

Watch a video of our PlanH webinar on New tools to build social connection in multi-unit housing. The April 3, 2024 webinar, hosted by PlanH Delivery Lead Connie Allsopp, featured City of North Vancouver Mayor Linda Buchanan and consultants Madeleine Hebert from Happy Cities and Michelle Hoar from Hey Neighbour Collective. They discussed their multi-phased…

Climate Change and Well-being: Building Resilience Through Social Connectedness

Climate Change and Well-being: Building Resilience Through Social Connectedness

By Monica DeVidi Almost every day news breaks of another climate emergency occurring somewhere in the world. Hurricanes, forest fires, flooding, drought and extreme heat events are becoming more frequent and severe and are having a devastating impact on communities across the province. These events undoubtedly impact physical health through injury, disease, food and water…

Webinar video: Climate Change and Well-being: Building Resilience Through Social Connectedness

Webinar video: Climate Change and Well-being: Building Resilience Through Social Connectedness

In a one-hour webinar, SFU Assistant Professor Dr. Kiffer Card, a behavioural epidemiologist, social ecologist, and health services researcher, examines how socio-ecological forces relate to mental health, stigmatized behaviour and health inequalities. Caz (Carolyn) Beaumont and Jay Myers – both from the Village of Daajing Giids – shared their experience working in this small, coastal…

Webinar video: Equity in action: How leaders can champion inclusive policymaking

Webinar video: Equity in action: How leaders can champion inclusive policymaking

In a one-hour webinar, BCHC’s PlanH program lead Connie Allsopp hosts a webinar designed for local government officials, staff, and regional health authorities on the implementation of an equity lens across all policies, programs, and planning processes. Takeaways from this Healthy Public Policy event will help with applying an equity lens to a wide range…

Supporting Equity in Planning and Policy Action Guide

Supporting Equity in Planning and Policy Action Guide

This guide is for local governments across the province working to implement and champion equity across social, economic, environmental and cultural domains.  Equity is the fair distribution of opportunities, power and resources to meet the needs to all people, regardless of age, ability, gender, income, education level, culture or background. This means providing support based on an…