Health Impact Assessment Resource
This Health Impact Assessment Resource is intended to support local and Indigenous government staff and public health professionals to implement a Healthy Communities approach to planning and evaluating local projects, policies and programs. What you’ll find in this resource:

WEBINAR – Alcohol Policy: How communities can act on a local level
Join a PlanH Healthy Public Policy webinar on January 30, 2025, to hear how the District of Tofino is adapting its municipal alcohol policy to support its residents. With the BC Cancer Foundation reporting that alcohol consumption is linked to seven types of cancer, healthy public policies such as those being adapted by Tofino are…

AFC Grant recipients in 2024
A list of the 26 grant recipients in 2024 with details on the purpose of each project.

Seniors Benefit from Age-Friendly Grants Across B.C.
Seniors in 26 communities across British Columbia have benefited from grants that foster active, independent living through age-friendly assessment plans, action plans and projects. This year, the Age-Friendly Communities (AFC) program awarded a total of $524,000 in grants to support these initiatives. Among the recipients were nine Indigenous communities, each using the funding to enhance…

Port Hardy’s video report: Building a Healthier Community – With the help of PlanH
The District of Port Hardy released their final report for their 2023 Healthy Public Policy grant in the form of an innovative video. Their 2023 grant project undertook significant efforts to promote a healthy and inclusive community, guided by its four strategic pillars, with a particular emphasis on social well-being. These efforts address critical issues such as…

How to enhance older adult participation in community programs
Are your community events consistently attended by the same small group of older adults? Expanding participation to include a larger and more diverse audience can enhance the vibrancy and inclusivity of your programs. Join an Age Friendly Communities’ webinar on December 4 at 10:30am when our panel of experts will offer strategies for municipalities to…

How to enhance older adult participation in community programs
Are your community events consistently attended by the same small group of older adults? Expanding participation to include a larger and more diverse audience can enhance the vibrancy and inclusivity of your programs. Join an Age Friendly Communities’ webinar on December 4 when our panel of experts will offer strategies for municipalities to increase…

Working with your local government to improve active school travel
BCHC has created a Quick Guide to help you navigate working with your local government to promote active school transportation in your community. The Guide answers common questions you may have when starting to engage your local government, shares examples from schools across BC, and provides tips if you are planning to present to your…

A path to resilience: How communities can strengthen child and youth mental well-being
Our second 2024 PlanH HPP webinar featured Lianne Carley, a Senior Policy Strategist at VCH, who discussed the critical role local governments play in promoting the mental well-being of children and youth through policy decisions ranging from neighbourhood design to transportation networks, to mentorships and employment opportunities. Carley was followed by two speakers from PlanH…