Climate Change and Well-being: Building Resilience Through Social Connectedness

Climate Change and Well-being: Building Resilience Through Social Connectedness

By Monica DeVidi Almost every day news breaks of another climate emergency occurring somewhere in the world. Hurricanes, forest fires, flooding, drought and extreme heat events are becoming more frequent and severe and are having a devastating impact on communities across the province. These events undoubtedly impact physical health through injury, disease, food and water…

Rapid Action Resources for Local Governments

Rapid Action Resources for Local Governments

In early 2020, BC Healthy Communities conducted research to identify local government and health authority needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ways that they could support those needs through the recovery phase. Food security and insecurity was identified as a key concern. In response, BC Healthy Communities developed a series of Rapid Action Resources that explore food…

HPP Webinar Series: Navigating Public Policy Blog

HPP Webinar Series: Navigating Public Policy Blog

Ever wonder how local and Indigenous governments update public policies to become healthy public policies?  Are you curious about who is involved in the process, and how to determine if policy has been changed or influenced?  On November 10, 2022, BC Healthy Communities hosted a webinar as part of the PlanH Creating Healthy Public Policy Local…

Accessibility Planning Through an Equity Lens

Accessibility Planning Through an Equity Lens

By Monica DeVidi So, your municipality has created an accessibility plan. Now what? In June 2021 the Government of BC passed legislation that requires more than 750 public sector organizations – including local governments and health authorities – to establish accessibility plans. These plans must outline how local governments will identify, remove and prevent future…

Equity in Action: How leaders can champion inclusive policymaking

Equity in Action: How leaders can champion inclusive policymaking

By Connie Allsopp, PlanH Delivery Lead   What is the difference between equality and equity? What are the root causes of inequities? What makes a policy equitable? These and many other questions were answered in a PlanH webinar on November 8, 2023. Here are some key highlights.   Praxis, defined as the art, science, and skill of blending…

Application of an Equity Lens using the Equity Continuum

Application of an Equity Lens using the Equity Continuum

Is an Equity Lens being applied in your community? By Connie Allsopp In 2023, BC Healthy Communities offered its innovative online PlanH Equity Curriculum to local government leadership teams across British Columbia. The curriculum consists of self-study modules that begin by explaining the concept of equity and then outlines how to create equitable engagement, through…

Esquimalt promotes social well-being through missing middle housing design

Esquimalt promotes social well-being through missing middle housing design

Social well-being is a significant component of overall health and well-being. The homes we live in play a substantial role in shaping our mental and social well-being, and the way we design homes can promote—or impede—social connectedness, inclusion and trust between neighbours.[i][ii] To guide the implementation of their Official Community Plan, the Township of Esquimalt…