BC Recreation and Parks Association
Contains studies, supports to local governments, a benefits catalogue, and information about partners.– BC Recreation and Parks Association
Contains studies, supports to local governments, a benefits catalogue, and information about partners.– BC Recreation and Parks Association
BCNPHA and registry offers a variety of programs and services to non-profit housing societies to support and strengthen the capacity of the sector, from group insurance and property management, to energy efficiency and capital planning. – BC Non-Profit Housing Association
A great collection of resources from the BC Food Security Gateway, such as toolkits, policy papers, and action plans specific to BC. The resource section also includes a small number of non-BC resources that have direct relevance to BC food security.
The Healthy Built Environment Alliance (HBEA) is a voluntary alliance of organizations from a wide variety of sectors across BC which provides leadership and action for healthier, more livable communities. The purpose of HBEA is to: COMMITTEES Network and Steering Committee members participate in quarterly online/teleconference meetings that include guest speaker presentations and discussion with a…
Monthly in-store campaigns raise awareness of the risks of alcohol, topics include alcohol and pregnancy, and Get Home Safe programs, which give beer and wine festival organizers the opportunity to distribute free public transit tickets to festival patrons.– BC Liquor Stores
The Food Security Gateway is a one-stop resource for food security practitioners and others in BC who want to make healthy eating the easy choice and build food-secure communities. The Gateway provides information and links to projects, initiatives and organizations in BC as well as publications, tools, guides, news and events – so that you,…
The First Nations Health Authority and the Ministry of Health released the first edition of the BC Elders’ Guide. This unique health and lifestyle resource is based on the BC Seniors’ Guide and is specifically designed for First Nations and Aboriginal Elders. The BC Elders’ Guide provides information on provincial and federal programs and community…
The B.C. Community Road Safety Toolkit is an easily-accessible and electronically-searchable knowledge source about road safety designs and strategies that local governments can implement to improve road safety outcomes. The origin of the B.C. Community Road Safety Toolkit was a 2015 survey of British Columbia municipalities by the Safe Roads and Communities Working Committee, one…
The BC Community Health Profiles were developed by PHSA-PPH in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the Union of BC Municipalities, all regional health authorities, and the PlanH program, and provide a snapshot of a community’s health by highlighting local data about health and well-being. Data is presented at the municipal level, providing an overview of multiple health and…