Over $1.7 Million to Help Local Governments Develop Active Communities

Over $1.7 Million to Help Local Governments Develop Active Communities

Local governments in British Columbia are invited to apply for a share of more than $1.7 million to develop programs that get people moving and promote physical activity in their communities. “Increasing physical activity in communities will help improve the health and well-being of British Columbians,” said Health Minister Terry Lake. “A lack of physical…

Healthy Families BC Communities Progress Report Now Available

Healthy Families BC Communities (HFBC-C), launched in 2011, is a key initiative of the Province’s health promotion strategy. With a focus on fostering community wellness, it helps build stronger partnerships between the health sector and local governments, so that communities can support lifestyle behaviours that improve health and reduce chronic disease risk. To assess the…

Chief Medical Health Officer Report identifies opportunities for the healthy development of children in Northern B.C

The importance of the health of children is the focus of a new Child Health Report from Northern Health’s Chief Medical Health Officer. The report highlights supports available for a healthy start for children in northern B.C., and areas that need to be addressed based on evidence-based research. Find it here

Collaboration and Partnership at the Heart of a Healthy Community

Collaboration and Partnership at the Heart of a Healthy Community

SQUAMISH, B.C. – Squamish is about to get a little healthier thanks to a Healthy Communities Collaboration Agreement endorsed by the District of Squamish and Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH). The agreement was recently endorsed by District of Squamish Council, paving the way for new partnership opportunities to address, improve and coordinate community health policy, land…

Healthy Living Program Community Grant Funding

Healthy Living Program Community Grant Funding

Annually, the Healthy Living Program provides grant funding to Vancouver community grassroots organizations for projects that address health promotion, healthy living and chronic disease prevention. Projects must focus on one or more of the following: mitigating chronic disease risk factors, healthy eating, active living and tobacco reduction. Projects must address target groups that the HLP…

Making Great Connections at the Convention of the Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities

Making Great Connections at the Convention of the Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities

Thank you to everyone we met at the Convention of the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities in Qualicum Beach on April 11-13, 2014. BC Healthy Communities had a booth at the trade show providing information to delegates on PlanH and other programs that support local governments as well as hearing from local government representatives….