BC Climate Leadership Plan
Links to other topics, including BC Climate Action policies and programs. The Climate Leadership Plan will ultimately outline actions to reduce emissions while supporting our growing economy. – BC Climate Leadership Plan
Links to other topics, including BC Climate Action policies and programs. The Climate Leadership Plan will ultimately outline actions to reduce emissions while supporting our growing economy. – BC Climate Leadership Plan
Contains news, best practices, resources, and practical advice to help communities reduce greenhouse gas emissions and implement Climate Action Charter commitments. Supports integrated planning and healthy communities.– Green Communities Committee (with representatives from the Province and the Union of British Columbia Municipalities) and Smart Planning for Communities, a program of the Fraser Basin Council
Provides links to a comprehensive array of air quality standards, examples, guides, educational tools, measurement tools, explanation about regulatory frameworks, and more.– Province of BC
Includes information about the benefits of healthy air, resources, and air quality advisories– Province of BC
This research provides an overview of different health co-op models and the benefits and challenges around each. It includes case examples from Port Alberni and Nelson BC. – Luba Payanotoff-Schaan
Describes the planning process of creating anti-racism and anti-discrimination initiatives for communities, including activities such as data collection, raising awareness, bylaw and policy development and review.– Ontario Human Rights Commission
The B.C. Community Road Safety Toolkit is an easily-accessible and electronically-searchable knowledge source about road safety designs and strategies that local governments can implement to improve road safety outcomes. At the same time, the knowledge in the toolkit is intended for all agencies with a mandate related to road safety. The introduction to the BC…
Provides workshop materials, presentations, and program book.– National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health
The purpose of this information kit is to provide city councils in British Columbia with the rationale for point-of-purchase FASD warning and prevention sign bylaws, as well as details on the political requirements for enacting such bylaws under the public health component of the Community Charter Act.
There are many adverse affects from poor air quality that influence both human and environment health. Understanding these implications is vital if we want to improve community wellbeing. One way to learn is through real time online air monitoring data. Purple Air is one online source that uses a new generation of laser particle counters…