The role of neighbourhoods and residents in developing Age-friendly communities

How neighbourhoods and residents have an impact in developing Age-friendly communities Creating Age-friendly Communities is an effective local way to address the aging of our population, allowing people to remain in their homes and connected to their community as they actively grow older.  The framework for Age-friendly Communities comes out of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Age-friendly Cities work…

How the eight domains of Age-friendly Communities impact social connectedness

How the eight domains of Age-friendly Communities impact social connectedness

As human beings we tend to thrive when we are socially connected, and it does in fact negatively affect health outcomes when people are socially disconnected. As we grow older, social networks tend to decrease over time, potentially leading to social isolation and loneliness. Often these two terms are used interchangeably, but a person can be socially isolated while not…

Healthy aging through an equity lens: Older adults experiencing homelessness

Healthy aging through an equity lens: Older adults experiencing homelessness

The development of Age-friendly Communities involves a policy approach to creating conditions that allow older adults to stay connected and age healthily in place, whether in their home or in their community. However, what does this look like when older adults don’t have a home? With the population aging in Canada and around the world,…

BC Healthy Communities newly administers the Age-friendly Communities Grant Program

BC Healthy Communities newly administers the Age-friendly Communities Grant Program

Canada’s population is aging and by 2037, the number of Canadians 65 years and older is predicted to be approximately 10.4 million. Over the next 20 years, this group is forecasted to grow by 68%. These statistics highlight the fact that it is becoming increasingly important to develop policies, processes and partnerships that support upstream action and…

The importance of using an equity lens in age-friendly communities planning

The diversity of the B.C. population cultivates connections and celebrates cultures, experiences, and life paths that combine to create connected and resilient communities. However, these differences also bring attention to the diverse needs of our population which are essential to consider in creating healthy communities for all.  The proportion of adults over 65 in B.C. is…

Age-friendly Communities Evaluation Guide

Age-friendly Communities Evaluation Guide

The Public Health Agency of Canada has prepared the Age-Friendly Communities Evaluation Guide to provide communities with practical information on how to use indicators to measure progress and evaluate their age-friendly initiatives. Age-friendly communities are those communities that are taking steps to help their older residents remain healthy, active and independent, and to continue to make important…

Governement of Canada’s resource on Age-friendly Communities

Governement of Canada’s resource on Age-friendly Communities

Canada’s senior population is growing. This makes it more important than ever to support the health and well-being of older Canadians. This way, seniors can lead healthy and active lives and stay involved in their communities. Making communities “age-friendly” is believed to be one of the best ways to do this.

Global Age-friendly Cities: A Guide

Global Age-friendly Cities: A Guide

Population ageing and urbanization are two global trends that together comprise major forces shaping the 21st century. At the same time as cities are growing, their share of residents aged 60 years and more is increasing. Older people are a resource for their families, communities and economies in supportive and enabling living environments. WHO regards…