Healthy Living Program Community Grant Funding

Annually, the Healthy Living Program provides grant funding to Vancouver community grassroots organizations for projects that address health promotion, healthy living and chronic disease prevention. Projects must focus on one or more of the following: mitigating chronic disease risk factors, healthy eating, active living and tobacco reduction. Projects must address target groups that the HLP serves, specifically adults from one of the following groups: high risk ethno-cultural groups, Aboriginal populations and those impacted by the social determinants of health.
Interested community agencies are invited to complete the Grant Application which will be assessed by the HLP team and the successful applicants will then be notified.
Funding is intended for new projects that are time limited, such as:
- An initiative that brings people together to participate in healthy-living focused activity.
- New programs with a health or chronic disease prevention focus such as health education sessions, walking groups/clubs, cooking class/clubs, tobacco reduction.
- Funding is not intended for a one-time event, the purchase of snacks for an existing program or for the purchase of start up equipment.
Who can apply for funding?
The Healthy Living Program grant is for Vancouver community grassroots organizations, non-profits and community groups.
Deadline: Monday March 30, 2015 at 4pm
Electronic submission to: (submit as a Word document, not PDF)
Tel: 604-267-4430
Fax: 604-267-3993
Click here for more information and the Grant Application.
If you have any questions about the application or to confirm that your application was received, please phone the Healthy Living Program at 604-267-4430.