Supporting Equity in Planning and Policy Action Guide

Supporting Equity in Planning and Policy Action Guide

This guide is for local governments across the province working to implement and champion equity across social, economic, environmental and cultural domains.  Equity is the fair distribution of opportunities, power and resources to meet the needs to all people, regardless of age, ability, gender, income, education level, culture or background. This means providing support based on an…

Age-friendly Communities Action Guide

Age-friendly Communities Action Guide

This guide is for local governments of rural and urban communities across British Columbia who want to create active, healthy and thriving places for people of all ages. The number of older adults is growing in communities across B.C., and many want to remain in place—in their homes and communities—as they age. Local governments play…

Healthy Housing Action Guide

Healthy Housing Action Guide

BC Healthy Communities is excited to announce the release of the newest addition to our PlanH Action Guide series: The Healthy Housing Action Guide. The new guide explores ways that communities can bring an equity and health lens to housing policies and includes definitions, case studies, funding information, legislation, and actions that local governments can take to support healthy housing…