FNHA Winter Wellness Grants

Building on the success of the Aboriginal Day of Wellness the FNHA is excited to offer Winter Wellness grants to encourage the development of innovative, culturally grounded health promotion events and campaigns.
Applications will be weighed against the following criteria.
- Challenges that focus on the FNHA Wellness Streams
- BC First Nations community based applications (single or multiple)
- Applications where collaboration or partnership with other First Nations communities is possible and demonstrated at the regional, or sub-regional level
- Applications that leverage other health and community partners
- Fairness and equity within and across the regions
- Host organizations that can involve higher numbers of participants
- Past Day of Wellness grant recipients have submitted final reports for last year’s grant.
Communities, organizations and agencies engaged in direct health service delivery to BC First Nations and/or Aboriginal people may apply. Eligible Challenges will be based on the four wellness streams of Being Active, Healthy Eating, Nurturing Spirit, and Respecting Tobacco. The challenge can run over an extended period of time or be a single event.
The deadline for applications is October 27 at 4pm.
Challenges must take place between: November 21 and December 21, 2014
For more information and ideas visit: www.fnha.ca
Email active@fnha.ca or Apply online here
Visit the event page!