BC Healthy Communities steps into Age-friendly Communities grant administration role

Since 2007, the B.C. Ministry of Health’s Age-friendly Communities program has supported local governments, and since 2018 First Nations, across the province to develop policies, programs, and services that allow older adults to age-in-place, creating Age-friendly Communities. Now, as the Ministry’s longtime partner in the program, since 2011, BC Healthy Communities (BCHC) will take on a larger role in the Age-friendly Communities program, adding administration of the program’s grants to its portfolio.
Funded by the B.C. Ministry of Health, the Age-friendly BC program is currently comprised of three parts: a cash grant for communities embarking on age-friendly plans and projects; a capacity-building component offering tools and resources for age-friendly planning as well as customized supports for grant recipients; and a community recognition process whereby communities can apply to be formally recognized for their age-friendly accomplishments.
Since 2015, BCHC has worked in partnership with the Province to deliver the capacity-building component of the program. In 2022, BCHC will begin administering the grant portion of the program as well, with the application period for grants set to open later this spring on May 16th. The grants will be available to all Indigenous and local governments.
“BC Healthy Communities is really pleased to contribute to this effort to provide a more streamlined process for communities participating in the Age-friendly Communities program,” said Jodi Mucha, Executive Director of BC Healthy Communities.
For more information about the Age-friendly Communities program, visit our updated Age-friendly Communities website at bchealthycommunities.ca/afc.
About Age-friendly Communities
Age-friendly communities support older adults to age-in-place, and live active, socially engaged, independent lives. An age-friendly approach considers the diverse needs of older adults in community planning and policymaking, ultimately benefiting community members of all ages.
The BC Age-friendly Communities program is delivered by BC Healthy Communities Society (BCHC) in partnership with the B.C. Ministry of Health and funded by the B.C. Ministry of Health.