AFC Grant recipients in 2024

A list of the 26 grant recipients in 2024 with details on the purpose of each project.
- Age Friendly Action: Village of Harrison Hot Springs
The purpose of this project is to continue to increase the awareness of available programs and services in the community and increase opportunities for social and recreational participation. - “What About Us?”: Sumas First Nation
The proposed project is designed to include our community seniors and elderly as the authors of a Sumas First Nation (SFN) age-friendly assessment and to table an action plan for SFN Chief and Council to implement through an appropriate instrument such as a Declaration or Band Council Resolution. - Transit Training for Older Adults and Youth: City of Prince George
Representatives involved with the Prince George Council of Seniors will be included in the transit training project planning, consultation, logistics planning, and decisions related to the design and implementation of the transit training program. - Generations Together: Age-Friendly and Equitable Planning Initiative: Katzie First Nation
The purpose of our project, which encompasses an age-friendly assessment, and the development of an age-friendly action plan, is to create a community that is accessible, inclusive, and beneficial for citizens of all ages. - Yekooche First Nation
Yekooche First Nation’s initiative to conduct an age-friendly assessment and action plan, supported by the BC Healthy Communities Age-Friendly Communities grant, is a step towards creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for our elders. - Housing Forum – Programs and Services: City of Surrey
The project aims to connect seniors and their support network, with programs and services that promote independent living. The intent is to provide information on resources and service options that support different life stages, which will facilitate an informed decision-making processes for seniors and their support network. - Access Empowerment Initiative: Chawathil First Nation
The purpose of the Chawathil First Nation’s Age-Friendly Assessment and Action Plan is to identify and address the needs of the aging population within our community. This initiative, supported by an Age-Friendly Communities grant, aims to create a more inclusive and accessible environment for seniors - Golden & Area ‘A’ Age Friendly Community Plan Update & Modernization: Town of Golden
The proposed project seeks to survey older Golden and Area ‘A’ residents, scan recent reports with content related to age friendliness, gather recent data related to demographics, aging, and community planning, and put this all together as an updated Golden and Area ‘A’ Age Friendly Community Plan. - Age-Friendly Community Strategy Update: City of New Westminster
The City is applying for the Planning Stream of the Community Grant funding in order to update its 2017 Age-Friendly Community Strategy. - Lı́l̓wat Nation Age-Friendly Action Plan – Intergenerational Activities & Events: Lilwat Nation
The project is guided by our vision for our Elders as described in our Lı́l̓wat 2030 Strategic Plan – Theme 2: People and Families, Caring for our Elders. This guiding document encourages us to enhance our Elders’ quality of life and longevity by focusing on their well-being, promoting socialization, active engagement and strengthening community relationships. The intergenerational nature of the project will benefit our Elders, our youth, and the whole community. It will provide opportunities to learn from each other, build relationships and share knowledge and culture. - Connect Seniors to Wellness: District of Stewart
The purpose of the Connect Seniors to Wellness project in Stewart is to improve the overall well-being and quality of life for seniors in the community - Heat & Emergency Preparedness Outreach Project for Vulnerable Seniors in Abbotsford: City of Abbotsford
The aim of the project is to create awareness among our target population on resources and services available for them in the community and on emergency preparedness. - Engaging Seniors in Age-Friendly Planning at the Neighbourhood Level: City of Richmond
The purpose of this proposed project is to engage Richmond seniors in age-friendly planning by forming a Neighbourhood Group where diverse seniors come together to form connections with their neighbours, learn about the eight domains of age-friendly cities, and assess the features in their neighbourhood through a range of interactive activities and information sessions. - City of Kimberley Age-Friendly Accessibility Plan: City of Kimberley
The purpose of the City of Kimberley Age-Friendly Accessibility Plan project is to develop a publicly informed Age-Friendly Accessibility Plan that outlines the City’s goals and strategies for creating safe community spaces for seniors and individuals with varying abilities, with a focus on health and wellness, transportation and mobility, and City-owned buildings and outdoor spaces. - Elder Resiliency in Emergency Management: Tsilhqot’in National Government
The purpose of the plan is to develop and conduct assessments to evaluate the cultural safety and individual needs of Elders in the Tsilhqotin national government communities, when it comes to emergency evacuations, recovery and resiliency. - Spuzzum Comprehensive Community Plan Update: Spuzzum First Nation
The purpose of updating Spuzzum’s Comprehensive Community Plan with an age-friendly and equity-focused lens is to provide better accommodation and support the growing Elder population in the community. - Regional Mobility Working Group: Regional District Central Kootenays
The Regional Mobility Working Group seeks to create equitable transportation solutions and opportunities for all residents, with a focus on seniors, youth, and other equity-deserving populations. - Age Friendly 2024-2034: Village of Granisle
The project will revisit and update the previous Granisle Age Friendly Plan. In so doing, we will determine whether Granisle is a community where seniors feel included, secure and valued. - Delta Supper Club (a.k.a. Supper Club): City of Delta
The purpose of the Supper Club is to educate older adults on making healthy food choices, meal preparation through hands-on cooking sessions, enabling them to learn new skills and follow recipes. - Age Friendly Food Security Development Project: Village of Lumby
To consult with the seniors in the community about how to improve their access to affordable, nutritious food, including transportation, local access for produce, community food sharing and complete meals. - Dementia Friendly Community – Enhancing Community Safety, Awareness, Education and Stigma Reduction: City of Maple Ridge
The City of Maple Ridge aims to build on our Dementia Friendly Community Awareness, by developing a local process and tool that will quickly and efficiently alert the community to missing persons with a diagnosis of dementia (A Local Sliver Alert Pilot Program). - Thi:yt te s’alhtel (Preparing Food):Stsailes
To give Elders a space to be able to continue to process/preserve foods for winter. To give the opportunity for our Elders to pass down teachings and continue our culture. - Older Persons Strategic Action Plan: City of Vancouver
This initiative will enable the creation of this Strategic Action Plan by supporting community engagement to ensure that the voices of older adults, community agencies and other partners inform this work. - Age Friendly Health & Recreation Assessment and Action Plan: City of Prince Rupert
The primary aim of this project will be to undertake a health and recreation assessment of available local programs and services pertaining to physical literacy, health, recreation and physical activity levels of older adults for the recreation department, which will be integrated into a broader Recreation Master Plan. - Age-Friendly and Accessible Active Transportation Audit: City of West Kelowna
The purpose of the Age-Friendly and Accessible Active Transportation Audit is to work closely with West Kelowna’s Accessibility and Inclusion Committee to evaluate the existing infrastructure that supports active transportation and connectivity in West Kelowna and identify barriers that prevent older adults, particularly those with accessibility challenges, from safely and conveniently navigating the community. - Ketehayak Tasshkinikayen (Elders Sharing): North Island Metis Association
Improve Elders connection to culture, traditional knowledge, and Métis community To promote healing from the effects of colonization, promote opportunities for Elder cultural education and traditional knowledge transfer.